Monday, January 11, 2010

Mixers II

Clare, being the darling independent spirit that she is, has decided not to eat bananas anymore. Darn, I use those to regulate her stool (they are constipating) and fill her tummy. So I have made an end run around her preferences and hidden them in smoothies; my next "mixer" to discuss. Smoothies are really yummy and can serves as breakfast, lunch or snack depending on what you hide in them. You can also add in any supplements you want. I use two kinds, a dairy smoothie and a green smoothie.

For the dairy smoothie, start with a cup of juice, add a half cup of plain yogurt or milk, a banana, and a half to a whole cup of frozen fruit. Blend until smooth. Our favorites are: orange juice, yogurt, banana and frozen strawberries or grape juice, yogurt, banana and frozen raspberries.

For the green smoothie, start with two cups of fresh spinach leaves (you can also add in some kale or beet greens), add in 1 cup of water and blend until smooth. Then add in your banana and frozen fruit. Do not add in dairy, which will inhibit the absorption of vitamin C in the spinach.

Kids love to help so they can dump in everything and push the blend button for you.

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