Monday, October 25, 2010

My Favorite Breakfasts...

I love breakfasts; it is my favorite meal of the day. Some people save dinner recipes, I save breakfast recipes. So I thought I would share a few of my favorites with you. I was at the grocery store the other day and saw the last strawberries of the season and remembered a recipe I ate all the time. I modified it for what I had at home.

Strawberry Toast
2 slices bread, toasted (you can use waffles, English muffins, sourdough, whatever sounds good)
1/4 cup plain yogurt (you can use vanilla yogurt, cottage cheese, ricotta, whatever sounds good)
1/2 sliced strawberries

Pile the yogurt and berries on top of the toast. Drizzle with honey. This is one of those recipes which sounds good and tastes even better. Enjoy! Chop small for finger food eaters, they will love smearing the yogurt around with the berries and toast. Replace the strawberries with blueberries for babies under one year.

My Favorite Hot Cereal
1 serving hot cereal of your choice (I like steel cut oats or cream of wheat)
1/4 cup raisins, chopped
1/4 pear, chopped

Heat up milk and add cereal and raisins; and cook according to cereal directions. Once the cereal is cooked stir in the pear and serve. Another recipe even more delicious than it sounds. This is great for finger food eaters. For beginning finger food eaters, peel the pear before chopping.

Scrambled Eggs
1 egg, beaten
1 t. butter
1/2 t. fresh dill, chopped
1 T feta cheese, crumbled

Melt butter in small skillet over medium heat. Pour in egg and continue to scrape until no liquid remains. Remove from heat and stir in the dill and feta. Serve with toast. Eggs are a great source of protein for finger food eaters.

I hope you have some yummy mornings and remember, parenting is easier with coffee!

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